
40 Things I’ve Learned in Forty Years

As I look back over the years, here are forty of the most important life lessons I’ve learned so far.

  1. Easy things are rarely worth it, and good things are rarely easy
  2. God’s timing is always perfect
  3. There’s always something to be thankful for
  4. Laugh often
  5. Grass is never greener on the other side
  6. Remember your roots
  7. Always be willing to learn something new
  8. Say “I love you” every day
  9. Travel and explore as much as you can
  10. Sometimes you find someone that you just click with instantly, like you’ve been friends for years. Pour into that friendship and keep them close. 
  11. Sometimes friendships become toxic or drain too much of you. It’s okay to walk away from those.
  12. Notice the little things
  13. Marriage is not always easy. It’s not always pretty. It’s often hard and often messy, but it’s always worth the work and effort. 
  14. Invest in your kids. The most important work you’ll ever do is inside your home.
  15. Date your spouse.
  16. Stop and smell the flowers every now and then.
  17. Comparison will only make you crazy. Be content with your life.
  18. People will always let you down, but God never will. He’s the best friend you’ll ever have.
  19. Always have a smile ready. You never know how your simple smile can change the whole course of someone’s day.
  20. Give without expecting anything in return.
  21. Do things that scare you. Great things are found outside of comfort zones.
  22. Spend time in nature
  23. The first snowfall is always magical, even when you’re an adult.
  24. Pay attention to the little things your children show/tell you. If you don’t they will never share the big things with you.
  25. Your word is your promise. Always keep your promise.
  26. Learn to make eye contact and shake a hand firmly.
  27. Failure is inevitable. At some point you will fail, but that doesn’t define you. Get back up and try again.
  28. Always stay humble
  29. Invest in yourself. You can’t pour into others if you are empty.
  30. Believe in yourself
  31. Pray daily
  32. Life is full of waiting. If you still feel like you’re stumbling through life, keep going. Your time is coming.
  33. Have a grateful heart. There is always someone worse off than you.
  34. We all need grace, but none of us deserve it. Don’t forget to extend grace to others.
  35. Someday will never come, so stop putting the big things off.
  36. Life is oh to short and fragile. Live in the moment and don’t take it for granted.
  37. Collect memories, not things.
  38. Pay attention to sunrises and sunsets. They are truly amazing.
  39. When you’re having a bad day, do something kind for someone.
  40. You can learn a lot from a child.

What life lessons of your own have you learned? What would you add to this list?

Until next time,


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