
Grace- because we all need it

šŸ‘‹šŸ» Hello 2ļøāƒ£0ļøāƒ£2ļøāƒ£0ļøāƒ£!!

They say time flies when youā€™re having fun and I guess itā€™s true. This last decade has flown by and majority of the time, it was a great one. We definitely had our trials over those years, but Iā€™m choosing not to dwell on those. We ended 2019 by completing our family with our baby girl and Iā€™d say thatā€™s a pretty great ending!

Every year I choose a new word to focus on, and as I was pondering lots of words for the start of this new one, the word GRACE kept popping front and center. If you know me, then itā€™s no surprise that Iā€™m a tad (or a lot) on the OCD side. I like things neat and orderly. Iā€™m a prepper and a planner and I donā€™t function well if my space is in chaos around me. Well guess what Iā€™m findingā€¦ being a mom of two very active boys and adding our sweet little babe to the mix has rocked my boatā€¦ a lot.

Our house is anything but tidy these days. I run on dry shampoo, yesterdayā€™s clothes and cold coffee. Iā€™m still searching for the routine that fits all of our needs efficiently. Even though this is still a huge struggle for my brain to comprehend, Iā€™m learning that itā€™s OKAY!! Itā€™s okay for my kids to see a mom whoā€™s not always put together, who occasionally drops one of the balls sheā€™s juggling, and even a mom who sometimes wakes up when they do because sheā€™s been up most of the night. Iā€™m learning that itā€™s much better to have a mom thatā€™s happy and present for them than a Pinterest mom thatā€™s overstressed and grumpy. My family needs me to be healthy, relaxed, have time for them and to know that I love them. So if that means Iā€™ve got to struggle through a little chaos in this current season we are in, itā€™s alright. Iā€™ll proudly wear the raggid shirt with the words Chaos Coordinator on it for as long as is takes.

Thatā€™s where grace falls into play. Just as I need Godā€™s grace over and over in my life, I need to learn to give myself grace and let go of the things I cannot control. I need to forgive myself when I canā€™t juggle all the balls and they come crashing to the ground. I need to realize itā€™s not a sign of weakness, but a sign of needing some rest and rejuvenation so I can try again.

šŸ‘‰šŸ» Iā€™m also learning that not only is grace forgiving, but grace is also for giving. šŸ‘ˆšŸ»

Just as I need grace, I need to be extending it to my kids and others as well. I canā€™t expect them to give me grace if I canā€™t return it when they need it too. I think way too many times we expect others to forgive us, but we fail miserably at realizing they are no different than us. None of us deserve grace, itā€™s simply a gift that is offered.

So, I pray that my heart and yours is full of grace as we step into a new decade and new year! ā¤ļø


Hey friends, Iā€™m so excited to have you stop by and check out my blog. I have a lot of fun sharing my thoughts with you and I hope you enjoy reading them. Iā€™m still pretty new to this blogging gig so I hope you stay with me while I work out some kinks and find my rhythm. šŸ˜Š Thanks so much!

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