
I Blinked

Dear Baby Boy,

Tonight as I sit here on the eve of your first day of kindergarten, my emotions are everywhere. Just yesterday I was feeling you wiggle inside my belly, and then I blinked. Just yesterday you were saying “ma-ma” for the first time, and then I blinked. Just yesterday you were taking your first steps and so proud of yourself as I cheered you on, and then I blinked. Just yesterday you picked me a big handful of golden dandelions and presented them to me with a huge smile, and then I blinked. Just yesterday I watched as you walked into your pre-school classroom for your first time being away from me and you turned to give me a reassuring smile, and then I blinked. Now, here we are at yet another big milestone in your life, and I’m not ready to blink.

I have spent the last five years teaching you, loving you, praying over you, encouraging you, playing with you, guiding you and preparing you for this very event, and I’m not prepared myself. I know that you are, but I’m not… yet. The years have flown and I know just how incredibly short these 18 summers we have together really are.

I’ve watched you grow. I’ve watched you make mistakes and fail momentarily. I’ve watched as your stubborn ways made the tasks a little more difficult, and I’ve watched as you conquered things on your own and cheered you on in your victories. My heart breaks when you cry and it overflows with joy when you are happy. You, my child, will ALWAYS be my baby.

So tonight as I tuck you in bed, I know that tomorrow you will embark on a brand new journey, a new chapter in your book. Even though my mommy heart is in a thousand pieces and aching, I know that I must let go of your hand and watch you proudly walk into your classroom like the big boy you are. I’ve been prepping you for this very moment for the last five years, and now we are here. I know without a doubt that you are ready for this. I know you are so excited to show the world who you are and what you’re capable of achieving. I pray that you keep close to your heart the things we’ve taught you and I pray that tomorrow is the day you realize that you CAN do and be anything you choose! Don’t ever settle for second best. Strive to do your best in everything. Take pride in your work. Always lend a helping hand. Work hard. Give a smile to someone in need. Remember that you’re never alone. Never forget your roots and never lose that twinkle in your eye.

You, my sweet, sweet, baby boy are destined to do big and amazing things in this life, and I am so very proud of you! Believe in yourself and never give up. Even though this milestone brings a flood of tears to my eyes, I know YOU ARE READY! Hold your head high, put that contagious smile on your face and go change the world. I realize that before I know it, I’ll have blinked anyways and this day will simply be a memory treasured and tucked away in my mommy heart. But for now my baby, go let your light shine!

Love you forever & always,


Hey friends, I’m so excited to have you stop by and check out my blog. I have a lot of fun sharing my thoughts with you and I hope you enjoy reading them. I’m still pretty new to this blogging gig so I hope you stay with me while I work out some kinks and find my rhythm. 😊 Thanks so much!

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