
Happy Birthday!

Hello 36!
Hey friends, guess what? Today is the day that I go from being 29 years old to being 36 years old! Wait, what? I’m assuming I’m not the only one who found it hard turning thirty. I struggled a lot with the fact that I
was no longer in my twenties. I don’t know why it was a problem, but it was. So, I spent the last five years pretending it wasn’t true and that I was forever 29. You can even ask my oldest and he will vouch that I’m 29.

Most people who have an issue with their age typically don’t enjoy their birthdays, but I do. I love everything about them. I love enjoying a day of pampering and being spoiled by my crew. I love eating cake or whatever dessert I deem worthy of my birthday celebration, and I absolutely adore the heartfelt, handmade gifts I receive my littles. In fact, my dream way of celebrating would most certainly include: shopping alone and taking as long as I wanted, grabbing a coffee with a friend, indulging in an hour long hot stone massage, getting my hair done, coming home to a gorgeous bouquet of wildflowers and devouring anything Italian (and that I didn’t have to cook) for dinner. Are you swooning over that vision like I am? It sounds like a gloriously, perfect day to me, but in reality, I’ve never experienced all of those things in a single day. However, that doesn’t stop me from enjoying how I do spend each birthday and it got me thinking.

Why am I stuck on the thought of staying 29? There was no event that made that year standout out above any others, so why have I not been truly embracing the celebration of another year of life? That in and of itself is worthy of celebration since we are not guaranteed any set amount of days here on earth. So, my mind began to shift as I decided that this year, chapter 36, is going to be about embracing where I am in life and striving each day to create the life I have dreamed about. The past is the past. It has taught me, grown me and gotten me to where I am, but now it’s time to let go and create new adventures, dream new dreams and bring them into existence.

So, in a nutshell, that’s how this blog was born. I had toyed with the idea of a blog for way longer than anyone knew, but I always tucked it neatly away in a manila folder in the back of my brain. You know the folder, because I know you have one too and it’s labeled, Someday. After receiving several encouraging comments about my writing over the last year or so from people I knew well and some I barely knew at all, I began to reach for that manila folder again. They shared how they enjoyed reading my Insta stories and Facebook post. Finally, I pulled the folder out and dusted it off. I thought to myself, girl, don’t waste your dreams waiting on a tomorrow that will never come. TRUTH!!!

Life will always get in the road if you keep waiting for tomorrow to be the day and unfortunately, tomorrow turns into years. Next year will be the year I … (fill in the blank). So I did it. Was I scared to death? You betcha. Did I doubt my abilities over and over? Heck yes I did. But here are five things I did do to turn my dream into reality:

  1. I got an accountability partner. Once you speak your goal out loud to someone else, it becomes more than a dream. It becomes a plan.
  2. I set a deadline. It’s really hard to bring a goal/plan to life without a time frame. I just so happened to choose my birthday, January 16th, as my deadline.
  3. I prayed. I debated what number to list this as because truthfully the praying part started way before the dream really gained vision. I was praying for guidance, a way to find my purpose, to help others, etc. So naturally, prayer was the first step. However, once the idea was born, I began praying specifically for the blog, the content, how God is going to use these words to speak to others and of course, I prayed for you (my readers). Let’s face it, without each of you, I’m just keeping a diary like I did in 6th grade.
  4. I took action. This is a big one and I think the hardest one to accomplish. It’s easy to dream, but it’s a whole other ballgame to actually do the work. I researched. I followed other bloggers. I asked questions. I wrote. Obviously I had to get my fingers typing and release all of the thoughts that had been padlocked in my brain for so long.
  5. Lastly, I had to have faith and believe in myself. I did and still do spend a lot of time reading personal development books. Following your dreams makes you feel very vulnerable and exposed because it’s personal. People see the real you and that can bring discomfort because the truth is, there are always going to be haters. There’s always going to be someone trying to knock you down, shut you up and tell you that you’re doing it all wrong. Those blows are hard to swallow, but that’s life. I’ve found in my experience that those are the people too overcome with fear to execute their own dreams, so they sabotage the dreams of others. Thankfully, there’s also always going to be a group of people who believe in you, pour into you and love on you. These people are your fan club- your team and they are the ones you listen to.

So, if you are reading this, I did it! Woo Hoo!!! I am successfully gifting myself the gift of becoming a blogger for my 36th birthday. For that simple fact, I am proud of myself for having the guts to do it and I’m thankful for you taking time out of your day to stop by and see what I’m all about. Hopefully your first visit won’t be your last and I really hope that we can become friends. Life is so much sweeter when you experience it with others. If I’ve peaked your curiosity enough to come back again, it would make my birthday extra special if you’d leave a comment and say hi and better yet if you decide to subscribe.

As for right now, I’m ready to indulge in a cream-filled long john donut from our local donut shop and a steamy mug of coffee. I’m not sure what the plans are for the rest of the day just yet, but you can count on lots of laughs and fresh cut flowers being involved because, well, because it’s my birthday!

Thanks for reading along and I’d love to hear what dreams you’re ready to go after!

Have a happy day!

Hey friends, I’m so excited to have you stop by and check out my blog. I have a lot of fun sharing my thoughts with you and I hope you enjoy reading them. I’m still pretty new to this blogging gig so I hope you stay with me while I work out some kinks and find my rhythm. 😊 Thanks so much!


Aunt Karen
January 17, 2019 at 1:15 am

Great blog Erica. I love reading this and keeping close contact with you and your family. Looking forward to the next one.

Missy Henderson
January 17, 2019 at 2:36 am

I think this is great! Congratulations and Happy Birthday! You are such an amazing writer and I love reading your post on facebook, so I already know I will enjoy following you on your blog! Best of luck to you!

Jeff Schmid
January 17, 2019 at 3:24 am

Hey! This is so cool! I had no idea but always knew you had it in ya. You’re a great writer! Proud of you my baby sissy. 😊

January 18, 2019 at 1:01 am

Aww, thank you!! 😊

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