
Snow Day

Four days ago it was sixty degrees and sunshine and today it’s low thirties and snow. Welcome to Ohio. I’ve yet to decide if I’m excited for the snow or annoyed, but it’s steadily falling to the ground regardless. The snow is peaceful and pretty if you can just watch it from inside your cozy house, and I’m thankful that’s the case for today. So for now, I’m sitting here sipping my skinny mocha, enjoy the warmth of my thickest socks and embracing the fact that it’s snowing. The boys are anxiously waiting for it to be deep enough to sled in.

Being a mom of wild little men, you learn all kinds of things and one of those is how to build and throw a great snowball… I’m still a work in progress though. Santa brought them some snowball makers for Christmas, so I know in a little bit we will all be bundled up like Eskimos with rosy red cheeks and snotcicles hanging from our noses as we try out those new gift. Do you enjoy the snow?Do you venture out onto the cold, white world and play too? Some of my favorite memories from childhood are when my mom would bundle all four of us kids up and take us out for a walk in the snow after dark. It seemed so magical as we walked on perfectly white snow-covered roads while little white flakes fluttered lazily in the gleam of street lamps. Because of those memories, I will always play in the snow with my kids.
One thing about snow days is that they make me want to bake and cook. That’s something my guys have never complained about. This morning we started the day off with pancakes hot off the griddle and I’ve already got a big pot of beef vegetable soup simmering for dinner. The pot is filled with some veggies that we grew in our garden and farm raised beef from my father-in-law. Let’s hope it tastes as good as it smells.
What about you, what are your snow day favorites and must haves? I’d love to hear them.

Thanks for stopping by today!

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