
Shaking off the Dust

Remember the days of sunshine and warmth? The way a gentle breeze would tease your hair? Remember how you had a sparkle in your eyes and a skip to your step? When your heart was a little lighter, your mood a little brighter? You had ambition, excitement, zest and dreams. Remember when you believed in yourself??? And then, life happened…

Life has a way of sneaking in and complicating the simple. We let the events of everyday life fade our smiles, dim our sparkle and harden our hearts. “I CAN” becomes an “I CAN’T” and our hearts begin to believe what our lips say.

Life is messy, complicated, and it’s a never ending roller coaster ride. We can’t control our lives, but we CAN control our attitudes and ultimately our happiness. We can seek out the good even on the ugliest of days and we can find peace, joy, happiness, motivation and determination that once were lost. We have the choice to be happy, friends!! Isn’t that exciting?!?! 🙌

As I’m sitting here typing this on a chilly, gloomy winter day, maybe I’m saying all of this for myself more than anyone. Maybe I’m the one who’s feeling defeat, uncertainty and frustration, but maybe someone else needs this reminder too. Maybe all of us could use a second to reflect back to a warm summer day when the sun was shining and a gentle breeze blowing, and remember the happiness that was felt. Remember the dreams you had, the fire in your belly and the faith you clung to. Maybe we need to remember the past just for a second so that we can pick ourselves up, dust off our hands, shake the images of negativity from our minds and boldly step forward into a cleansed mindset. A mindset bursting at the seams full of new motivation, new laughter, new dreams, new determination and newly discovered joy. Maybe, just maybe, that’s all it takes to remind yourself of your worth and the reason to get up and try again. 😊❤️

Until next time,


Hey friends, I’m so excited to have you stop by and check out my blog. I have a lot of fun sharing my thoughts with you and I hope you enjoy reading them. I’m still pretty new to this blogging gig so I hope you stay with me while I work out some kinks and find my rhythm. 😊 Thanks so much!

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